Uitbreiding VillaVerde Montceau, Gourdon (Frankrijk) 2020

VillaVerde Montceau is part of a total of 69 VillaVerde branches. The garden center is located in Gourdon, a town north of Lyon. Despite the somewhat smaller size, there was a desire to obtain expertise from abroad for the conversion into a more modern VillaVerde. A recognizable entrance, large greenhouses and a clear routing were the starting point for the design.

The entire garden center is located on a plot lower than its surroundings, so that the building fits nicely into the existing buildings on the other side. The renovated garden center will be 3,000 m² in size with an outdoor garden and terrace of 900 m². The terrace is located on a hill with a stream and oriented to the afternoon and evening sun.

In addition to the garden centre, VillaVerde has a restaurant, nursery and workshops are regularly held.

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